about us
At Majestic, we are dedicated to “Treating You like Royalty” by delivering world-class service to you, our client. Our objective is not only to help you buy, sell, refinance or rent a home but also to build a strong, lasting, lifelong relationship with you. We want you to be so satisfied with our service that you feel compelled to refer your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers to us, not by obligation but because you truly believe they will benefit greatly by working with us. You can expect that your referrals will receive the same level of commitment that we have pledged to you. With your help, we all can benefit one client at a time.

We have been involved in residential properties for almost three decades. We’ve been professionally managing properties for over 12 years. We are an A Rated members of the Better Business Bureau and have a Five-Star Yelp rating. We have the staff and resources to efficiently manage properties while building relationships with our owner clients and resident customers.

If you would like to learn more, please contact us.

Contact Us

Stockton Office

5250 Claremont Avenue, Suite 251 Stockton, CA 95207
CalBRE # 01929383


Management Services

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